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By establishing long-term cooperation or joint ventures with transportation investment companies, Star Energy is heavily involved in the construction of roads at all levels in more than ten provinces in China, and fully utilizes its technological advantages in the asphalt market to promote the research and production of high-grade and high-tech asphalt products such as modified, emulsified, and special asphalt, and works actively to develop the downstream application market.


Diversified asphalt resources

Well-established business strategies

Sophisticated production process

Optimized logistics costs


Oil products
Star Energy's Oil Products Division mainly deals in imported light cycle oil, imported fuel oil, imported diluted asphalt, and domestic diesel that meets China VI emission standard. With a tank capacity of over 240,000 cubic meters, the company sold 1.15 million tons of oil products in 2019 and 2 million tons in 2020, creating a total revenue of over RMB 7 billion.


Domestic and international first-hand procured resources

A tank capacity of 240,000 cubic meters

Strong presence in East China & development
of the eastern
coastal market

An annual revenue of over RMB 7 billion

镇平县| 天柱县| 东乌珠穆沁旗| 平安县| 漯河市| 纳雍县| 泰顺县| 滦平县| 天镇县| 三门峡市| 大埔区| 大足县| 辽宁省| 凤山县| 湖南省| 临洮县| 宁南县| 和顺县| 丘北县| 雷山县| 左权县| 冀州市| 岚皋县| 隆安县| 鹤庆县| 连南| 蒙山县| 慈利县| 延川县| 安达市| 五峰| 柯坪县| 堆龙德庆县| 虹口区| 平果县| 和顺县| 红河县| 虹口区| 呼图壁县| 尚义县| 横山县|